The International Tender for the Urban General Plan of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Park is looking for a concept for the sustainable development of this part of the city.
The tender’s program foresees a planning process divided into three phases; an Urban General Plan for the Olympic Games, a Post-Games Transformation Plan, and a Long Term Plan for the Legacy.
For the Games mode, the Olympic program’s dates and requirements call for a defined project to be carried out in the short term (enchant and event). The shape is that of a park, a compound, a well delineated polygon, with specialized doors and accesses.
For the Legacy mode, the uncertainties regarding the future city call for more of a steering plan than a finished project (consistence and duration). The shape is that of a web, a network without precise boundaries, which is inserted into the existing city.
The submitted concept proposes a vital adjustment to maximize the abovementioned planning process. This adjustment involves eliminating the Post-Games Transformation Plan, simply achieved through the precise design of the entire public space, built and infrastructure from scratch, which meets, without alterations, the demands inherent to the Games mode and the ensuing long term urban transformation, in other words, the Legacy.
The two modes must coexist within the same space, at different times, but without demolishing and rebuilding all over again.
Rio 2016

Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro
Architecture and Urban Design
Nuno Lourenço, Carlos Cruz, Tomás Salgado and Jorge Estriga with NPK
Competition 3rd prize
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